fanC Wallet

fanC Wallet

FanC Wallet is a virtual asset wallet developed by fanC that provides virtual asset storage, point swap, Dapp, and 3rd Party app connectivity. The wallet supports blockchains including Ethereum and fanC Token, and the storage features of fanC Point, CELEBe Point, and DAEMDAEM Point (Tmoney) are also supported as available point.

Features of fanC Wallet

The fanC Wallet offers a seamless environment for using tokens and points within the fanC ecosystem. With the fanC Wallet, users can easily exchange tokens for points and use them for payments or discounts at affiliated locations. Moreover, the fanC Wallet is equipped to facilitate payments and discounts using tokens and points even without an internet connection, making it accessible on mobile devices supporting both iOS and Android OS. Furthermore, efforts are underway to expand its availability to PCs and other web browsers.

Instant Money Exchange and Transfer System

In the current the fanC Wallet, users encountered a recurring issue wherein fees were incurred twice during the exchange and transmission process when converting points to fanC tokens and transferring them to an external wallet where fanC is listed. Additionally, users experienced inconvenience as they were required to manually input the wallet address each time they wished to receive tokens.

To address these challenges, the functionality has been enhanced to streamline the process. Users are now able to input and store the wallet information of the fanC-listed exchange during the initial setup. Subsequently, when exchanging points for fanC tokens and transferring them to the pre-registered exchange wallet, users can simply select the registered exchange. This enables a smoother and more cost-effective token transfer experience by reducing transaction fees (gas fees) and simplifying the transfer process.

Application URL

This is an iOS/Android OS link where you can download fanC Wallet app.

Last updated